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The Club Itself

"Where Driving Is Graded on a Curve"

The Texas A&M Sports Car Club is a non-profit organization that is sponsored solely by the university and is dedicated simply to those that are intrigued by automobiles. I have been to a few of the weekly car meets, and there are some *sweet* rides shown, with ages spanning from 1969 all the way to 2024. According to, the Texas A&M Sports Car Club is the world's largest collegiate car club. 


Aside from the weekly Wednesday night meets in front of the Koala Bakery Cafe in Bryan, they also hold weekly dinners at various locations on Monday nights. I, unfortunately, have yet to attend any of these dinners, but I do look forward to when I get to enjoy a good meal and also talk about cars at the same time. 

On the third Sunday of each month, the SCC holds their monthly "Cars & Coffee" meet, which is typically held at Century Square as a part of "Sundays on the Square." These meets include a diverse range of collectible cars, from classics to exotics. My personal favorite car brand is Ferrari, and you can guarantee that you will find one at these kinds of meets. Ferraris, Porsches, McLarens, you name it. The high-end car owners show up and show out. Seeing these kinds of cars definitely made my bank account burst out into tears, but it was amazing seeing cars that you wouldn't normally see every day. 

The Rides
*all photos and videos taken by Aaron Raley

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